Chocobi Caramel

"Working Practices When Using Radioactives Isotopes"

Uses of Radioisotopes

Carbon-14beta5730 yearsradiometric dating:determination of age of
carbon-containing artifacts up to about 70,000 years also used as a biological tracer, for example,in
studies of photosynthesis
Naturally occurring radioisotope

Chlorine-36beta301,000 yearsmeasurement of sources of chloride and
determining the age of water up to about
2 million years old
Naturally occurring radioisotope

Lead-210beta22.3 yearsdate layers of soil and sand deposited
upto about 80 years ago
Naturally occurring radioisotope

Tritiumbeta12.32 yearsmeasure the age of 'young' groundwater
upto about 30 years old
Naturally occurring radioisotope
Titriated water is used to study sewage
and liquid wastes

1.26 billion yearsPotassium-Argon radiometric dating:
100 000 to several billion years

Rubidium-87beta48 billion yearsRubidium-Strontium radiometric dating:
millions of years

Uranium/LeadU-238 alpha & gamma4.5 x 109yearsradiometric dating:millions to billions
of years

Oxygen-18stable biological tracer, for example,
in studies of photosynthesis

15 hourslocation of leaks in water pipes,
studies of body electrolytes
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

9.5 minuteslocation of leaks in water pipes

Potassium-42beta &
22 hoursdetermination of exchanged potassium
in blood flow
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Chromium-51alpha27.7 dayslabelling of red blood cells & quantifying
gastro-intestinal protein loss
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

46.3 daysin blood studies, when incorporated
into steel it is used to determine the
amount of friction in machinery

5.3 yearscancer treatment as tumour cells
tend to be more susceptible to radiation
than other cells

Gallium-67gamma3.3 daystumour-seeking agent
Isotope prepared in a cyclotron

Krypton-81gamma13 seconds
Isotope prepared in a cyclotron

Technetium-99beta6 hoursMedical tracer used to locate brain
tumours and problems with the lungs,
thyroid, liver, spleen, kidney,
gall bladder,
skeleton, blood pool, bone marrow,
salivary & lacrimal glands & heart
blood pool
& to detect infection
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

8.1 daysMedical tracer to study & treat the
thyroid gland & used in the diagnosis
of adrenal medullary & for imaging s
uspected neural crest and other
endocrine tumours
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Iodine-123gamma13.2 hoursused in imaging to monitor thyroid
function & detect adrenal dysfunction
Isotope prepared in a cyclotron

Ytterbium-169gamma3 days
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

7.1 x 108yearsenriched as a fuel for most nuclear reactors

24 400 yearsfuel for most "fast-breeder" nuclear

Americium-241alpha432 yearsdomestic smoke alarms & neutron
Americium-241 is a decay product
of plutonium-241 formed in nuclear

Copper-64gamma12.7 hoursstudying genetic disease affecting
copper metabolism
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Iridium-192beta73.83 dayssupplied as a wire for use as an
internal radiography device

Molybdenum-99beta66 hoursused as the 'parent' in a generator
to produce technetium-99m,
the most widely used radioisotope
in nuclear medicine
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Phosphorus-32beta14.28 daystreatment of excess red blood cells
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Samarium-153beta1.93 daysused in the treatment of pain
associated with bony metastases
of primary tumours
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Yttrium-90beta64.1 hoursliver cancer therapy
Isotope prepared in a nuclear reactor

Thallium-201gamma3 dayslocating damaged heart muscle
Isotope prepared in a cyclotron

Caesium-137beta30.2 yearsradiotracing to identify sources
of soil erosion & depositing, also
used in thickness gauging

Gold-198beta2.69 daystrace factory waste causing ocean
pollution and to trace sand movement
in river beds and on ocean floors

Gadolinium-153gamma240.4 daysused in X-ray fluorescence and bone
density guages for osteoporosis

Zinc-65gamma244.26 daysused to predict the behaviour of
heavy metals in effluents from mining
waste water

Manganese-54gamma312.2 daysused to predict the behaviour of
heavy metals in effluents from mining
waste water


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